Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The leading health indicator as defined by Health People 2020 Essay
The leading health indicator as defined by Health People 2020 - Essay Example The indicators are useful in assessing the health rate of the nation, to facilitate collaboration in different sectors and in motivation of action in different levels to ensure there is improvement of health in the American population. The ability of an individual to have access to health services has effect on many aspect of life. However, there are many Americans who lack primary care providers to receive medical services. This is an issue addressed by leading health indicators as defined by Health People 2020. People who do not have medical insurance are more likely to lack medical care as a result of high costs. It is important that these people receive medical insurance or medical care at affordable costs. To improve the nationââ¬â¢s health there are things that are key such as routine screens and immunizations. The services prevent and detect illnesses to provide treatment (Healthy people,
Monday, October 28, 2019
Education Problem in Korea Essay Example for Free
Education Problem in Korea Essay A mother gets a headache whenever she comes back home after attending mothers regular meetings, the purpose of which is to get some information about private instruction. Her children keep her as busy as a professional manager. She surveys popular newly opened institutes called hagwon, makes a group for private lessons, chooses instructors and pushes her children to study. When they are asked about their plans for the declining years of their lives, most are not saving for old age. They feel uneasy because they are not able to save money, so some mothers go to work to earn enough for extra instruction expense. Many husbands and wives argue about their childrens education. However, their children dont care about their parents troubles. The children regard it as the natural role of parents, because they are the kings or queens of the family, served by sacrificing parents from birth. Parents seem to allow their childrens complaining. Children dont appreciate their parents because they are not happy with their support. Sometimes they act like robots controlled by mothers orders. They dont have time to talk with family, to play with their friends or to get sufficient sleep. They always hurry to learn something. As for me, I also have anxiety about my daughters private education. There are moments that I want her to push to study a little bit more because I feel worried when I hear how many kinds of extra instruction her friends are taking. But I can calm down my selfish desire by looking at my exhausted daughter. I try to confirm that the most effective result of studying comes from self-studying with strong motivation. Most parents dont wait until their children ask them to help with their studying. Theyre never satisfied. For example, many Korean goose daddies decide to sacrifice their lives by themselves, not by the childrens demands, in spite of the struggle with loneliness after they send their families to a foreign country. These days, many ordinary families without sufficient finances are planning for their children to study abroad despite the huge cost. They probably need to squeeze their budget or even borrow the money. Are their precious sons and daughters going to thank their parents in the future? Will their parents be satisfied with their children later? I wonder how great their outcomes will be. In addition to problems within families, there are many side effects with private education at school, which are usually from the studying burden. They learn the material they need in advance in hagwon before they learn it at school. Many math teachers in middle school become upset while they are teaching theorems or concepts. Some students dont concentrate on the lesson because they are under a delusion that they already know everything. Actually, they cant solve even the easy and basic problems when slightly changed. What is the investment of the money and time for private lessons for? Math teachers say the incomplete knowledge spoils the students ability to think. In English class, there are several fluent students with native pronunciation gained in English speaking countries. However, sometimes teachers are upset when they are very quiet and never volunteer for the class because they dont want to be victims of cynical teasing from their friends. The students high-leveled from private education tend to be bored during class. Another big problem is about the students who have a kind of mental disease, some of who are extremely offensive and some who have abiosis without any interest in anything. Their attitude is usually caused by the pressure of studying and of too high expectations compared to their ability. Koreans all know that economic growth is based on educating for the future generation. Korea doesnt have enough natural resources, so we need to develop knowledge and skills. The government nowadays wants to increase autonomous high schools for competitive system to build up superior talents. But parents are not likely to reduce the private education. We hope the government listens carefully to what the citizens say. For instance, English teachers need small classes according to students levels in order to achieve the aim for English-speaking class. Parents and teachers dont want epoch-making policy, but just one step in the development of education policy. Korean parents need to remember this truth: their investment in children who dont have self-motivation might waste their money, their time and their energy. Id like to advise parents to give their children a chance to choose what they want, and to wait until they are eager to study what they need. Also, I suggest they should ignore their neighbors private education, not public education.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Physics of Rollercoasters :: rollercoaster physics amusement theme park
There is a click, and the car you are sitting in is jerked. The chains that are cranking the car forward continue to make click click sounds and you find yourself counting them as seconds. Your heart begins to beat hard, and you hold your breath in anticipation as the car finally begins to transcend the first hill. Suddenly, you find yourself throwing your arms in the air to feel the air brush passed your face. Screams of terror and delight pierce through the air as you and your fellow passengers bank around the first curve and enter the first loop-de-loop. This is one possible experience a person can feel once they enter the realm of roller coasters. So, exactly how did this thrill-seeking amusement park ride develop? How does physics make it seem more dangerous than biking down the street? These questions as well as others can be answered in the pages contained on this site. Originally, roller coasters were developed in Russia during the 15th century. It consisted of people walking up an ice-covered hill, only to sit down on what was known as an ice-block sled and fly back down the hill. These contraptions, though rickety and quite dangerous at the time, began to appear all over in Russia. Their popularity increased, spreading to various countries in Europe before finally reaching the United States. The Mauch Chunk Railway was the first built in America. However, it was not originally intended to be a thrill ride. Instead it was used for easier transportation of coal downhill. Then, someone gained the bright idea to use it as a ride. So by day, the Mauch Chunk Railway was used for work, and by night for fun. For the next few years, roller coasters held the imagination. Most were built out of wood, and would have several hills, the force of gravity completing the ride. When the Great Depression began to ravage the land, roller coasters took a side seat though. Several were even taken down do to the bankruptcy of the parks. It was not until the late 1950s, when roller coasters came back with a completely new style. Walt Disney helped revolutionize the design by going from wooden to steel coasters. The first one, which appeared in Disneyland, was a simple bob-style Matterhorn, designed by Ed Morgan and Karl Bacon of the Arrow Development Company. With this new way of making roller coasters, more designs and ideas came to the surface.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Jackie Robinson Essay -- essays research papers
Jack Roosevelt Robinson was born January 31, 1919. He was born in Cairo, Georgia and was the youngest of five children. He had a grandfather that was a slave, Jackieââ¬â¢s dad was a sharecropper and Mallie, Jackieââ¬â¢s mother, was a maid. His dad ran away from the family when Jackie was only an infant. Jackie fought racism in his California childhood, at collage and throughout his whole life. During his childhood at California he was always picked on at school. Kids taunted him so much and so badly that he developed a hot temper. When Jackie was growing up, whenever he would sense or be involved in legal injustice he would get really mad and there would be nothing he could of done about it. At the University of California in Los Angeles, Jackie met his future wife, Rachel Islam. Jackie starred in four sports. Some have said that Jackie was the greatest American athlete, arguing that he was better at track & field, football and basketball than baseball. Later after college he joined the Negro Leagues to play professional baseball. If Blacks wanted to play professional baseball in 1946, they had to do so in the segregated Negro Leagues. Negro leagues started in 1920. They created these leagues because whites didnââ¬â¢t want blacks to play with them. They wanted the MLB to be clean white. Jackie Robinson was drafted into the army in 1942. He had a series of many conflicts as he rose to the rank of lieutenant. The worst one was when Jackie was sitting in the front seats of a milit...
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Failure Turned Into Success
Brandon Miller John Delano ITM 1900 February 5, 2013 Failure turned into Success I failed many projects at work, some larger than others. One project that I failed was when I had to refill the push mower with oil. I almost made my first mistake by choosing the wrong type of oil for the mower, but luckily was smart to call my boss and choose the correct oil. My first mistake was to not to listen to what my boss said and clean off the dipstick before I started to refill the oil tank.By not doing this, I did not know the specific amount to how much to add. This mistake leads into my second mistake of adding too much oil to the mower. These two mistakes ruined the mower and costing the company to buy a new push mower. I could and should have done many things different to avoid this problem. The main thing that I should have done different is to ask someone to help guide me through the process of adding oil instead of teaching the process to myself, which ultimately cost the company more money.I, as a Christian project manager, should have many standards to evaluating software development projects. When evaluating, I should ask to myself whether the project is honoring to God. When I say that, I mean is the project representing the way Christians live their lives for Christ. Is the project appropriate to God and acceptable for anyone to accomplish? In 1 Thessalonians 4, it talks about urging or pushing believers to live a life pleasing to God. Then it goes on to talk specifically about the life believers should be living.The way that I am told to be living my life should also be displayed in the projects that I create. The projects should be an encouragement to others when they use it and should help to benefit otherââ¬â¢s lives. This project also should be an example to how believers live their lives. 1 Timothy 4:12 helps encourage that mindset by talking about how believers should set an example for others in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity. Overall, w hen evaluating projects, they should be pleasing to the Lord, be an example, and influence others positively when using them.Basing my mistakes on the standards by which to live by, my project would still be considered a failure. It would be a failure because I did not listen to my boss, which is disobedience and that is not pleasing to the Lord. Ruining a mower is not a good example to my other work colleagues either. I should have been smarter in the way I handled the project and thought about how to have the project run efficient and productive. My disobedience resulted in failure of the whole project and making the companyââ¬â¢s reputation increase negatively.Moses would probably say that about 45% of the plan was completed on time. The percentage is not very high because of the Israelites causing problems with their attitudes and doubts on God. Also, the Israelites did not have much faith in Moses leading them and this caused many problems in trying to get the plan completed . From Mosesââ¬â¢ perspective, I think he would say that the journey to Mount Sinai and getting the Ten Commandments written was completed late because of the actions of the Israelites.Since the Israelites became impatient with Moses and making a golden calf, it slowed down the entire process of getting the Ten Commandments written. Moses could have taught Aaron stronger principles in keeping Godââ¬â¢s people under control while he was at Mount Sinai. If Aaron was stronger and not so willing to make false gods, the process of the Ten Commandments being written would have been completed quicker. Source for timeline: http://www. bibleview. org/en/Timelines/20_1800BC-1400BC. html
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Tax Reform essays
Tax Reform essays When the American people think of taxes, the acronym that immediately comes to mind is IRS. Associated with these three letters are the audits and spools of red tape that Americans travel through each year to earn a temporary hiatus from government intervention into their lives. The permanent escape from this burden of record keeping and paper pushing is just one of the benefits reaped by replacing the current federal income tax system with a national sales tax. Simplification of the federal bureaucracy through a national sales tax would eliminate the need to even have an agency such as the Internal Revenue Service. The burden of individuals being forced to keep financial records for seven years and the nightmare of filing annual tax returns under a complicated system of rules few can decipher would no longer exist. In order for our country to institute a just and ethical means of taxation, establish a secure method for appropriating government funds, and to honestly save the taxpayer money; the United States should initiate tax reform by eliminating federal income tax and create an across the board federal sales tax. The government's reliance on the current income tax system creates a great emphasis on the appropriation of tax revenue. This collection mentality encourages taxpayers who are in high tax rate brackets to pursue avenues of tax avoidance by finding loopholes in the ever increasingly complex tax code. Extremely difficult for the everyday American to understand, the federal tax code can encourage tax evasion and avoidance by taxpayers of all rate income levels because nearly everyone attempts to "outsmart the system". This situation causes an economic loss by creating extra work for the government and lost tax revenue. With the cost of investigation and the cost of collecting money owed the federal government rising, the amount of capital needed from taxpayers to pay for th...
Monday, October 21, 2019
LBSS Honors Chemistry Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers
LBSS Honors Chemistry Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers LBSS Honors Chemistry Independent Science Research Project ExploraVision All LBSS Honors Chemistry students are required to complete an independent science research project that will be evaluated by an outside expert in addition to teacher evaluation. Students are to work in groups of three. Competition Deadline: January 15, 2015. What will the finished ExploraVision project look like? Abstract (1 page) Description (11 pages) Bibliography (1 page) Sample Web Pages (5 pages) Abstract Summarize your proposed future technology and other relevant information. This document must precede other project components and should be on a separate page. It does not count as part of the description. Mandatory criteria: No more than 150 words (typed, double-spaced and clearly labeled). This will be the LAST component you complete! Description Prepare a written description of the project on no more than 11 typed, double-spaced pages (you may also use a combination of text and artwork). This is a long term project and if you completed all the required "research and worksheets' as suggested, these documents will be combined to create the 11 page description. The description must include the following 6 sections in this exact order: Present Technology (1): Give an overview of the present form of the technology, including some scientific principles involved in how it functions. Define a key challenge or limitation of this present technology that you will address in your ExploraVision project. History-Technology Timeline (2): Research and describe the history of the technology from its inception. Future Technology (3): Describe the team's vision for what this technology will be like in 20 years - including scientific principles involved in developing the technology. Breakthroughs (4): Research and describe breakthroughs that are necessary to make the future technology design a reality. Why doesn't this future technology exist today? Choose one of your required breakthroughs and describe a research project that would have to be planned and carried out to test your ExploraVision project. If possible, include the kind of data or measurements that would be collected in the investigation. Design Process (5): Describe three alternative ideas or features the team considered for this ExploraVision project. The ideas and features should be directly related to the project, not a list of other projects you may have submitted. Describe why the team rejected each feature and idea in favor of the ones in the submitted ExploraVision technology. Describe how your future technology feature is better than the rejected design feature. Consequences (6): Recognizing that all technologies have positive and negative consequences, describe the potential positive and negative consequences of the new technology on society. Tip: The Future Technology, Breakthroughs, Design Process and Consequences sections are the most heavily weighted when assigning points in the judging. Therefore it makes sense to devote at least two-thirds of the description to these areas. Bibliography-use APA format All sources used in researching the chosen technology should be referenced here. (This does not count as part of the description.) Mandatory criteria: Sources must be clearly labeled and include title, author, publisher and copyright date. Also include Internet sources, interviews and non-original graphics. Footnotes are encouraged, but not required. Before Deadline ONE... . Team Formation and Registration . Brainstorming: during this time, students will name existing technologies they would like to explore. . Introduce Research Methods |Due Dates at a Glance (deadlines are tentative and may change) | |October 30 Deadline ONE | |Getting to Know the Subject | | | |Suggestion: I will create a shared folder for your project in GoogleDocs | |Use GoogleDocs to hold all independent research project information (including this| |paper). | |Create Pages within your Google folder for the following: | | | |Present Technology History Future Technology | |Breakthroughs | |Design Process Consequences Bibliography | |Web Pages | | | |Parent and Student Document of Understanding signed by student and parent. (This | |can be found at the end of this packet). One for EACH student. | |Complete Worksheet: Choosing a Topic | |After you have your team, it's time to choose a topic. You might pick something | |that you've always wondered about ("Why doesn't X do this?") or that has always | |interested you ("How could I build a better X?"). As a team, brainstorm some ideas | |and see if there are any ideas or areas of study that stand out. Consider these | |tips when selecting a topic: | |Get ideas from everyday life. Look at the tools and technologies people use every | |day - it could be as simple as a pencil or as complex as a quantum computer. | |Solve a problem. Identify a problem that a current technology does not solve, and | |then imagine possible solutions. | |Talk
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How Writing about Death Saved my Life
How Writing about Death Saved my Life How Writing about Death Saved my Life Christopher Noà «l is a professional on the Reedsy marketplace who has been a freelance editor for twenty-five years. He is the author of seven books, including the memoir In the Unlikely Event of a Water Landing: A Geography of Grief,à which he wrote following a life-changing disaster.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Article Critique 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Article Critique 2 - Essay Example After reading the article, one realizes how important it is to avoid drugs in the first place as according to the article, the effect of the drugs on the brain chemistry is so fast and strong, that people donââ¬â¢t even realize how and when the drugs take control over them and make them addicts. Hence, the best way to reduce addiction is to keep away from drugs and never to fall in the trap of ââ¬Ëjust one timeââ¬â¢. Summary The article ââ¬Å"Stress, Habits, and Drug Addiction: A Psychoneuroendocrinological Perspectiveâ⬠, is written with an intention of understanding how stress leads to substance abuse and addiction by affecting the brain chemistry in human beings. Psychological stress helps the human beings to face the imminent threat and adapt to the surrounding. However, excessive stress response can lead to pathological disorders as it can enhance addictive behavior in people. The authors argue that stress not only stimulates the motivation in reward system and cre ates the possibility of addiction, but also develops a risk of relapse by developing a habit of certain actions and cravings that lead to addiction and relapse. Brain imaging has shown that goal directed actions in human beings are controlled by prefrontal cortex and habitual actions are directed by dorsolateral striatum. The choice (and the action) of taking drug for the first time is in control of human beings, but once the action becomes habitual, he loses control over it and becomes an addict. That is, the action becomes involuntary and gets into the category of habitual actions. Hence, addiction is called as maladaptive form of habit process as a voluntary action of taking drugs gets transformed into an addiction. According to the authors, the first important factor of addictive behavior is the function of dopamine. A study by Packard and McGaugh (1996) has revealed that dopamine is instrumental in development of habitual behavior and strengthening the different aspects of habi t formation in human beings. This leads to second factor which is the habitual behavior in human beings. Habits can be defined as the behavior pattern in which the actions of human being persist even when the reward or goal value of that action reduces to a great extent. It takes regular and persistence efforts for a particular action to become a habit. However, a study by Miles, Everitt and Dickingson (2003) has revealed that in case of drug use, people become addicted (habitual) to drugs in very short time and the transition from controlled dosage to addiction is unusually rapid and fast. The third factor of addiction is the substance itself as it acts as strong stimuli for cause of relapse in people suffering from addiction. The fourth factor in the development of addiction is a problem or injury to the goal directed system, which is located in the prefrontal cortex. Chronic drug administration leads to the damage of prefrontal cortex. This shows that use of drugs harm the human beings in two ways. Firstly, the drug use leads to damage of prefrontal cortex and secondly, the damage, in turn, strengthens the addiction to drugs. This shows how the brain chemistry influences the addiction in behavior pattern. However, the authors have found that even stress plays a
Friday, October 18, 2019
The significance of a cohesive culture to organisational performance Essay
The significance of a cohesive culture to organisational performance - Essay Example The report discusses several changes that are necessary in the workplace of BSG Ltd. to enhance commitment and productivity among the employees. Changes such as improvement of workplace relations, teamwork, employee motivation, career mobility, workplace learning and strong leadership strategies have been highlighted. All these changes point towards the establishment of a cohesive culture that can help the management of this company to address the emerging issues in the workplace. Some recommendations regarding the implementation of the highlighted changes in the workplace have been put forward in the report. They include; adoption of a leadership strategy that promotes a cohesive organizational culture, establishment of workplace relations, promotion of teamwork, identification of development needs, control of employee turnover and enhancement of employee welfare. The need to take the workersââ¬â¢ interests in to consideration in the course of change has been emphasized. The conclusion portrays the learning outcomes of the report regarding the need for a cohesive organizational culture. The changes and recommendations that need to be adopted by the company have been noted as a general picture of what a cohesive organizational culture entails. The group prefers employee focused leadership in the organization as indicated in the conclusion. Introduction This report addresses some issues that have emerged in BSG Ltd. leading to a fall in the profits of the organization below projections for the last two years in light of aggressive competition and a declining economy. The results of a culture/employee attitude survey in the organization indicated lack of cohesion amongst employees, low levels of job satisfaction and organizational commitment, low levels of trust between management and employees, poor team work, and a belief by many that there was little opportunity for advancement. An analysis of company data for the year ending 2010 revealed a 30% incr ease in pilfering, in both warehouse stocks, and stationery supplies. Staff turnover is an issue also, up by 15% in year ending 2010. The benefits of a strong cohesive culture have been emphasized, as well as the changes that need to be implemented by management to this workplace. Some recommendations have been put forward in regard to the implementation of the changes to make them acceptable by the workforce. Organizational Culture Hofstede defined culture as a tool that the mind applies to guide a personââ¬â¢s day to day activities and interactions with others. He portrayed culture as a collective aspect that occupies a particular social
Analyze language arts lesson plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Analyze language arts lesson plan - Essay Example s showed the slightest interest to help only that at the time of enjoying the fruits of the labour, i.e., only while eating the baked bread everybody proposed to eagerly share at which the Hen then disagreed and cherished the fruits of her arduous labour and ate the bread with her chicks. This story is very colourfully and playfully presented before the children in preschool and preliminary stages of learning to instill, impart and inculcate within their tender minds the true virtues of sincerity, eagerness, earnestness, accountability, responsibility, uprightness, integrity, willpower and self-discipline. A host of interesting and enjoyable at the same time educational and knowledge-building fun-to-learn activities are usually integrated with this process of story-telling session to make the entire exercise very attractive and entertaining to the kids to make them memorable and illustrious such that learning becomes amusing and easy for them. A picturesque vibrant book of the Little Red Hen is to be selected with colourful illustrations for the pre-school purpose with each and every craft and drawing materials, and also some baking utensils be kept handy in order to perform practical illustrations to mark a long lasting memory of the activities elaborated. The third Activity is revisiting the story with individual role play intensively illustrated and demonstrated with very easy-to-construct craft items such as with funny figureheads or colourful miniatures singing each phases of the story and encouraging them to read out loud in the desired musical tone while stressing on the effectiveness and efficacies of planting, harvesting and nutritiousness of baking wheat into bread. This is followed by the fourth bread-tasting Activity of different samples of bread while sharing amongst each other during lunch break thus establishing that Sharing is fun and productive which could be even more enhanced if the bread can be baked in an oven with each member sharing the
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Nursing care specifically related to strokes and stroke care Essay
Nursing care specifically related to strokes and stroke care - Essay Example ischemic strokes and hemorrhagic strokes (Mink & Miller, 2011). Since both these kinds might have similar manifestations but have considerably different underlying etiology and require different management and interventions, it is of foremost importance to correctly recognize strokes as early as possible from the onset and to intervene in a timely fashion in order to minimize the possible ill-effects and deficits that can arise due to this disorder (Mink & Miller, 2011). This paper briefly discusses the different types of strokes, their clinical manifestations and available treatment modalities; throws light on the importance of stroke recognition and how fast acting care for strokes can highly affect patient outcomes; and focuses on the importance of knowledge regarding strokes for nurses, the role of nurses in care provision for stroke patients and the importance of being up to date and knowledgeable on stoke care for nurses. Moreover, it also identifies some shortcomings in the ex isting literature for stroke care and the role of nurses and provides recommendations for future research in this arena. Stroke: Types, clinical presentation and available interventions As pointed out above, strokes can be broadly classified into two main kinds, viz. ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke (Trembly, 2010). ... Hemorrhagic strokes can be further subdivided into two main types, viz. Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (aSAH) and Intracerebral Hemorrhage (ICH) (Trembly, 2010) based on their underlying etiology. While ICH inflicts almost 70,000 individuals annually in the US, approximately 30,000 individuals suffer from an aSAH each year (Mink & Miller, 2011). Amongst all kinds of stroke, the type associated with the poorest outcomes is aneurysmal SAH, which is not only associated with high mortality rates but also have high complication rates due to re-bleeding and/or vasospasm occurring later on in the course of the disease, resulting in poorer patient outcomes (Trembly, 2010). The most important risk factors which are common for all type of strokes include smoking, hypertension and alcohol abuse, while some risk factors which are exclusive for ischemic strokes include diabetes, dyslipidemia, atrial fibrillation, hypercoagulable states and atherosclerosis, amongst others (Mink & Miller, 2011; Trembly, 2010). Patients suffering from either an ischemic stroke or an ICH commonly present with a sudden onset of focal neurologic deficits which has a variable course, but often worsens as time progresses (Mink & Miller, 2011; Trembly, 2010). On the other hand, a typical presenting complaint of patients suffering from SAH is headache, which most patients describe as the worst headache of their lives, often associated with nausea, vomiting and nuchal rigidity (Mink & Miller, 2011). For all types of strokes, diagnosis is based predominantly on the recognition of patient symptoms and neuroimaging modalities such as CT scans which help in elucidating the underlying etiology (Mink & Miller, 2011;
Reading Response Speech of Pope Urban II at the Council of Clermont Essay
Reading Response Speech of Pope Urban II at the Council of Clermont - Essay Example and devoted themselves mainly to convincing the leaders and their subjects of the land where this cruel anger had affected to open the churches that were located on the east side. They solemnly ordered them at the Auvergne council on their achievement to such activities, as a groundwork for the reduction of all their evils (Krey, 2012). The Bishop of Puy known as Adhemar, who was the leader of this mission was constituted, and also told to embark on their stead. This was done so that those individuals who perhaps might be willing to undertake this voyage, must act in accordance with his rules, as if they were their own, and succumb completely to his bindings or loosingââ¬â¢s, to the extent that he will continue to be holding such a position. Additionally, he asserted that if there are any of the crusaders who feel God has motivated them to this undertaking, they should know that Adhemar will set forth with the assistance of God in the time of the supposition of the blessed Mary, and that this crusaders or followers of God should accord themselves to his teachings and follow his rules (Halsall, 1997). There can be no uncertainty on whether the response to Urbanââ¬â¢s evangelization significantly surpassed his expectations. The Chronicles version might to some degree been swayed by the character of this response so that they twist what Urban said to prompt it. However, the historians are not in agreement with such a principle in defining the original themes of urban as well-maintained by the chronicles. The importance of this speech is that it will help the believers of Christ to follow the teachings of their church leaders as they will be aware that he or she is directed by God to lead them. This will assist the Holy City of Jerusalem to be delivered from the pagan
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Nursing care specifically related to strokes and stroke care Essay
Nursing care specifically related to strokes and stroke care - Essay Example ischemic strokes and hemorrhagic strokes (Mink & Miller, 2011). Since both these kinds might have similar manifestations but have considerably different underlying etiology and require different management and interventions, it is of foremost importance to correctly recognize strokes as early as possible from the onset and to intervene in a timely fashion in order to minimize the possible ill-effects and deficits that can arise due to this disorder (Mink & Miller, 2011). This paper briefly discusses the different types of strokes, their clinical manifestations and available treatment modalities; throws light on the importance of stroke recognition and how fast acting care for strokes can highly affect patient outcomes; and focuses on the importance of knowledge regarding strokes for nurses, the role of nurses in care provision for stroke patients and the importance of being up to date and knowledgeable on stoke care for nurses. Moreover, it also identifies some shortcomings in the ex isting literature for stroke care and the role of nurses and provides recommendations for future research in this arena. Stroke: Types, clinical presentation and available interventions As pointed out above, strokes can be broadly classified into two main kinds, viz. ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke (Trembly, 2010). ... Hemorrhagic strokes can be further subdivided into two main types, viz. Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (aSAH) and Intracerebral Hemorrhage (ICH) (Trembly, 2010) based on their underlying etiology. While ICH inflicts almost 70,000 individuals annually in the US, approximately 30,000 individuals suffer from an aSAH each year (Mink & Miller, 2011). Amongst all kinds of stroke, the type associated with the poorest outcomes is aneurysmal SAH, which is not only associated with high mortality rates but also have high complication rates due to re-bleeding and/or vasospasm occurring later on in the course of the disease, resulting in poorer patient outcomes (Trembly, 2010). The most important risk factors which are common for all type of strokes include smoking, hypertension and alcohol abuse, while some risk factors which are exclusive for ischemic strokes include diabetes, dyslipidemia, atrial fibrillation, hypercoagulable states and atherosclerosis, amongst others (Mink & Miller, 2011; Trembly, 2010). Patients suffering from either an ischemic stroke or an ICH commonly present with a sudden onset of focal neurologic deficits which has a variable course, but often worsens as time progresses (Mink & Miller, 2011; Trembly, 2010). On the other hand, a typical presenting complaint of patients suffering from SAH is headache, which most patients describe as the worst headache of their lives, often associated with nausea, vomiting and nuchal rigidity (Mink & Miller, 2011). For all types of strokes, diagnosis is based predominantly on the recognition of patient symptoms and neuroimaging modalities such as CT scans which help in elucidating the underlying etiology (Mink & Miller, 2011;
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Environmental impact assessment of West field Shopping Centre in West Essay
Environmental impact assessment of West field Shopping Centre in West London - Essay Example Proper management of these is important The proponent will use qualified contractors to construct the buildings Westfield shopping Centre is located in Shepherdââ¬â¢s Bush, West London and is developed on a large Brownfield site which was once the location of the 1908 Franco-British Exhibition by the West Field Group. This site is bounded by the Wood Lane, the West Way and the West Cross Route. This site is part of the White City that contains many other developments in various stages. The project parameters can be represented in a flow diagram as shown in Fig.1 Roads leading to the area will experience an increase in the number of pedestrians and traffic since there will be more people in the area. It will however be able to cope with it since it coincides with several other London infrastructure projects that serve West Field and its environs. These projects include the Shepherds Bush railway station built on the West London Line, a bus and taxi rank on the Shepherdââ¬â¢s Bush Interchange and new cycle routes. There is also a grade-separated junction connecting to the West Cross Route and running along the site. b) Employment of about 50 ââ¬â 60 workers during construction, this has the knock on effect of creating a market for food vendors as well as the obvious benefits to those who depend on the workers employed here The project helps in alleviating office problems around West Field as it seeks to provide modern buildings complete with accessories. It will provide job opportunities to many people especially during construction phase. This will have a multiplier effect with the income spreading to more people. It will open new business opportunities for grocery and other businesses in West Field. The project however calls for proper management to avoid the waste generated ending up in rivers and other waterways. It will affect the scenic value of the surrounding environment but it will add to the aesthetics of the area as well
Proprietary vs Contract Security Essay Example for Free
Proprietary vs Contract Security Essay Security Many types of security are in existents today, site or mobile patrol; loss prevention functions; special events security; in-house security functions and private investigations are some of the tasks. Choosing the right one for the needs of any establishment should be one of the ultimate goals of the business. This paper will focus on proprietary and contract security in particular. A comparison of the two types of security will be addressed. Identifying some of the issues in either type of security is of great importance as well as understanding the various roles of security personnel. After briefly recognizing some of the advantages and disadvantages of proprietary versus contract security, a recommendation will be rendered on which type should be utilized for the international automobile manufacturer that I have been assigned as the security manager. Comparison Proprietary security is controlled entirely by a particular company and is responsible for the hiring, firing and management of personnel. Contract security is operated by a professional security company and contracts its services to different companies. The status of proprietary security is considered higher than contract security, attracting a higher quality of security personnel and a greater expense in wages. The cost for contract security is becoming more prevalent because of the increased price tag or liability for companies. Although this is not true for all companies; many directors of security fear that switching to a contract provider will mean they are of decreased value to their company (Allied Barton, 2009). In contrast, security directors that outsource their security program often find they no longer spend long day to day hours managing security officers. Instead, they are able to offer their skills in more prominent and visible areas of security and consulting and analysis (Allied Barton, 2009). Both types of security may include the same services with benefits; yet, there are some advantages and disadvantages. Advantages and Disadvantages Proprietary security is still viewed as having many advantages than contract security. The consistency, best training for security personnel and specific needs offer the balance to identify different types of behaviors toward employees. Contract security was seen in the past as inadequate, untrained and not loyal; today, there has been an increase in use of contract security vendors. The performance levels of private security vendors, high level of educated and experienced security professionals have caused the cost factor to be a secondary consideration. While there are many other reasons for advantages and disadvantages in these two types of security, addressing the issues in choosing which is best for any particular business should be weighed. Conclusion There are many costs and benefits to be considered when choosing a proprietary or contract security. When deciding on the type of security, be sure to weigh the positives and negatives of the different types and which can be more beneficial to the business. Each business will have its own personnel and facility knowledge. Proprietary security is more costly when replacing individuals. Contract security makes it easier to lower the internal pressures and provide services such as recruiting, training, supervision, security factors, uniforms, and the costs is lower than proprietary security. My recommendation as the security manager for the international automobile manufacturer is to utilize the contract security. Many types of security are in existents today; choosing the right one for the needs of any establishment should be one of the ultimate goals of the business. The objective to focus on proprietary and contract security has been addressed and compared. This paper has identified some of the issues in one or the other type of security and elaborated on the significant importance as well as understanding the various roles of security personnel. After briefly recognizing some of the advantages and disadvantages of proprietary versus contract security, a recommendation has been rendered to utilize contract security for the international automobile manufacturer that I have been assigned as the security manager.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Okun Law Unemployment
Okun Law Unemployment Okun Law Unemployment Okunââ¬â¢s Law; an Empirical Test across Countries Abstract Okunââ¬â¢s Law postulates an inverse relationship between the change in the unemployment rate and the difference between actual and potential real output. The relation has proven to be an influential empirical framework in supply-side economics. This paper sets out to empirically test whether or not Okunââ¬â¢s Law holds and how it varies across the UK, US and Japan during the time period 1976-2006. The quarterly data sets are analysed via both OLS Regression estimations over the whole sample period and Rolling Regression estimations over 18 separate subsamples, with the view to infer how stable the relationship has been over the last 30 years. The reasons for these changes and the implications these results can have for policymakers and labour markets are also briefly discussed. In addition, we find that the unemployment rate responds asymmetrically to expansions and contractions in output when the business cycle is considered. There is a considerable amount of evidence that su pports Okunââ¬â¢s Law usefulness as an empirical relationship. Okunââ¬â¢s Law is defined as the ââ¬Ërelationship between the change in the unemployment rate and the difference between actual and potential real outputââ¬â¢. The relationship has had a substantial influence in macroeconomics in so far that the Law is widely used in macro-models as well as providing the theoretical building blocks to contribute to other empirical relationships such as the Aggregate Supply curve and the Phillips Curve. For this reason, Okunââ¬â¢s Law is an important feature of supply-side economics. Okunââ¬â¢s Law also gives policymakers and economistsââ¬â¢ an indication of how the economy is performing in regard to both the labour market and the goods market. Furthermore, central banks, primarily monetary policy, use Okunââ¬â¢s Law as a forecasting tool to predict changes in the structure of the economy and aid in the decision-making process. Its effectiveness as a tool is somewhat contentious, since the relation is designed to be utilised as a benchmark or guideline to judge the performance of the economy against, rather than as a stringent policy rule. Additionally, the relationship is frequently used to achieve an optimal growth rate (without adverse effects on the unemployment rate) as well as more significantly measuring the cost of high unemployment which is regarded as both socially undesirable and a waste of human capital. This study specifically attempts to test, using the dynamic version of Okunââ¬â¢s Law, whether or not the relationship holds in the UK, US and Japan and how the relationship varies across these countries over the period 1976-2006. This will be tested via OLS regression analysis. The central research question of this study is to infer from the results how stable the relation i.e. Okunââ¬â¢s Law been over the last 30 years for the UK, US and Japan? This will effectively captured by the sensitivity of unemployment changes when output growth deviates from its equilibrium level, namely the Okun coefficient (The à ² term in the relation). Most papers assume a symmetric relationship between output and unemployment. As a secondary objective of the study, an attempt will be made to test whether or not Okunââ¬â¢s Law characterises an asymmetric relationship, in so far that expansions and contractions in output have a different absolute effect on changes in the unemployment rate, an issue pursued by many authors in the forthcoming literature. In addition, the results can be used to interpret to what extent policymakers can predict the performance of output and unemployment in an economy hence the usefulness of Okunââ¬â¢s Law as a forecasting tool, once instability of the relation is taken into account. Overview The study proceeds as follows; Section 1 presents a theoretical background to the Okunââ¬â¢s Law and its significance as an empirical relationship. Section 2 presents a review of the existing empirical literature on Okunââ¬â¢s Law along with discussion of any relevant omissions and contradictions of the respective authorsââ¬â¢ findings. Section 3 uses Blanchard (1998) methodology as a basis for the construction of Okunââ¬â¢s Law as well as providing the necessary explanations of the variables used in the model, version of the relation used. The methods of data collection and the limitations of the methodology employed will also be stated. Section 4 presents some preliminary data analysis including descriptive statistics, tests for Stationarity, Heteroskedasticity, Serial Correlation and Chow Test for structural stability. Section 5 presents the empirical results and the subsequent analysis of the techniques used to interpret Okunââ¬â¢s Law. Namely, OLS Regression Analysis over the whole period, Rolling Regressions, Stability Tests, and Dummy Variable analysis based on its use in the model and how the empirical results integrate with the subject matter raised in the literature. The implications of the empirical results for macroeconomic policymakers, the goods and the labour market are also briefly discussed. Section 6 presents a judgement on the overall findings from the analysis of the data as well as providing a critical appraisal of Okunââ¬â¢s Law and its usefulness as an empirical relation across countries. In addition, potential recommendations will be discussed in the context of how the study and/or the model can be improved for further research. Background Theory Okunââ¬â¢s Law ââ¬â the inverse relationship between unemployment and output is regarded as ââ¬Ëââ¬â¢one of the most reliable empirical regularities of macroeconomicsââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢. In recent times, there has been a considerable amount of research into the empirical significance of Okunââ¬â¢s Law. Policymakers are interested in sustaining output growth and achieving a low unemployment rate and the relationship is seen as a fairly good indication of economic performance. The type of unemployment that will prevail depends on how labour supply and demand evolve over time and is the prime reason why Okunââ¬â¢s coefficient has reduced over time. The lack of empirical testing in this area is a major limitation of reliable Okun coefficients. In 1962, Arthur Okun, an American economist, formulated and interpreted this relationship. He suggested a negative relationship between the change in the unemployment rate and the growth of real output. Many economists till this day, view Okunââ¬â¢s Law to be a very useful relation in assessing macroeconomic performance. Okun estimated that in the US; output growth of 3% below equilibrium for one year, leads to an increase in the unemployment rate of one percentage point (reverse case also applies). However, more recent studies have shown that in fact, a 1% increase in output leads to a reduction in the unemployment rate by 2%. The simplicity of Okunââ¬â¢s Law, involving the use of fundamental economic variables (output and unemployment) makes it a striking empirical relationship to study. However, there are a number of forms or versions that Okunââ¬â¢s Law can take. The predominant versions of Okunââ¬â¢s Law are; the difference version, the dynamic version, the gap version and the production-function version. This study will use the dynamic version of Okunââ¬â¢s Law since it is widely used by economists as well as taking into account deviation of output from some equilibrium level, which ultimately creates a more plausible investigation. Although the magnitude of the decrease seems to be declining and with widespread acceptance of the relationship being pervasive, structural differences in an economyââ¬â¢s product and labour markets coupled with the difficulty that national governments face in managing the economy, highlights the need to rigorously investigate Okunââ¬â¢s Law still further. Literature Review This section examines the existing empirical literature concerning Okunââ¬â¢s Law and the most significant findings. The purpose of this section in particular is to evaluate the usefulness of Okunââ¬â¢s Law as an empirical relation against a number of criteria. Additional focus will be placed on how the relationship varies across both differing time periods and different countries as well as the techniques used in the literature. Using the original formulation of Okunââ¬â¢s Law Equation (1) Blanchard (1998) estimated the relation across both countries and time. The time periods the author used were 1960-2003. (1960-1980 and 1981-2003). The author estimated the coefficient for the United States, the UK, Germany and Japan. According to the reports, as expected, the law does hold in all of these countries. The econometric techniques used by Blanchard in constructing these results involve the use of standard regression analysis. It was brought to our attention that the US had the highest response (-0.39), whilst Japan the lowest (-0.12). This is in part explained by the differences in structure within each countryââ¬â¢s respective labour markets. The study made 2 plausible yet restrictive assumptions. The first being that ââ¬Ëââ¬â¢Output moved one for one with employmentââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢. This is an important point to note since economic theory suggests that an expansion in an economyââ¬â¢s output, ceteris paribus (an increase in productive capacity) will require an equal increase in the amount of labour (workers) needed to produce that additional output. The second assumption is that of ââ¬Ëââ¬â¢A constant labour forceââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢. This assumption follows on from the first in that changes in employment are reflected in opposite changes in unemployment. A major critique of these assumptions is the fact that in absolute terms, the rise/fall in the unemployment rate may not be proportional to the rise/fall in the employment rate due to labour force participation. Blanchard also brought to our attention that in the Medium Run the relationship may differ due to both equilibrium values of output and unemployment returning to their natural levels. This adjustment of the variables means that certain macroeconomic policies cannot influence output growth or unemployment rates. However, earlier formulations assumed any increase or decrease in the unemployment rate relative to the rate of output growth to be in equal absolute proportions. The revised equation (below) rectifies this simplistic assumption by involving the actual deviation of output growth from its equilibrium, where the Beta coefficient measures the responsiveness of unemployment rate changes to deviations of output from equilibrium output. Ut Ut-1 = -à ² (gyt ââ¬â à y) (1) Potential Rate of Output Growth Unemployment rate at t-1 periods Output Growth at t periods Unemployment rate at t periods Beta/Impact Coefficient Sogner, L and Stiassny, A, (2000) investigated Okunââ¬â¢s Law for 15 OECD countries to deduce whether structural instability originates from the demand or supply-side of the economy. The Keynesian viewpoint was found to hold little empirical validity in contrast to that of the neoclassical one. This is in part down to the ââ¬Ëââ¬â¢assumption of fixed prices and wages.ââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢ This is unrealistic to assume particularly in a world where inflation is everywhere a monetary phenomenon. Although firms do change their output plans according to changes in growth, both changes in wages and prices will determine the underlying unemployment rate and any estimates based on such assumptions will derive incorrect results. Economic agents expect certain activities to occur in the future based on either past or current activities. The most crucial finding of this paper is that the persistence in the unemployment is strongest in countries that have a highly protected labour market. A lthough this is inconclusive in contrast to other studies, it implies to a certain extent that variations in real output only have a small effect on employment levels which needs to be accounted for especially when revisions of the relation are considered. Most Okunââ¬â¢s Law stipulations tend to assume a symmetric relationship between unemployment and output growth. In other words, output growth for instance produces the same absolute effect on unemployment. Harris and Silverstone (2000) managed to test this assumption using hypothesis tests for New Zealand over the period 1979-1999. They discovered that Okunââ¬â¢s Law does hold by means of regression analysis over this period. The most essential insight which can be extended across many countries if need be, is the Okun coefficient which they estimated based on their regression results. In New Zealand, ââ¬Ëââ¬â¢a one percent change in output growth is associated with a 0.4% change in the unemployment rate.ââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢ This is in fact due to changes in labour force participation, labour hours and capital utilization. The strength of this particular study was the use of labour supply analysis which contributed in supporting Okunââ¬â¢s Law and its role on the supply s ide of the economy. The authors do however, wrongly assume a symmetric assumption throughout the paper and this is not plausible, especially in the long-run. Productivity gains and the structure of the labour market play a vital contribution to the outcome of any relationship between unemployment and output. Walterskirchen (1999) proposed this argument to his study. This particular study generates differing perspectives to those posed by both Harris and Silverstone (2000) and thus varies greatly in terms of empirical results. The author does support Blanchardââ¬â¢s view concerning the existence of a ââ¬Ëââ¬â¢strong positive correlation between GDP growth and change in the employment rate.ââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢ However, the additional emphasis placed by Walterskirchen is that of productivity gains and labour supply and demand in the context of each countryââ¬â¢s individual labour market. The fact that the author cites demographic influences as well as economic is vital to the building blocks of empirical results and whether or not they are consistent with economic theory. The author carried out this particular focus of the study thro ugh two predominant methods; Time-series data analysis for each individual EU country and cross-country data analysis for the period 1988-1998. In both methods there appears to be a strong negative correlation between output growth and the resulting change in the unemployment rate. Walterskirchen highlighted the difficulty in the calculation of potential output in order to estimate Okunââ¬â¢s Law and thus disregarded this method in his empirical analysis, focusing instead on the change in the rate of output and unemployment. He did however, attempt to correct another ambiguity in the fact that the relation overlooks the ââ¬Ëââ¬â¢influence of investment activity and technical progress on labour productivity.ââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢ The results clearly show the rate of productivity to be approximately 2% in the EU, representing a constant figure. In times of high unemployment, Okunââ¬â¢s coefficient will tend to also be high (1980ââ¬â¢s). In contrast, demographics explain the contribution of the rise in population growth on the employment rate. It was found that an increase in population growth puts considerable pressure on employment to increase and as a consequence labour productivity diminishes. This is relevant since ââ¬Ëââ¬â¢employment will only grow if economic growth rates are outstripping productivityââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢. This adds further weight to the claims of productivity on the supply-side of the economy and the role it plays in determining the rate of unemployment. ââ¬Ëââ¬â¢The hi gher the Okun coefficient (usually 0.3 to 0.5), i.e., the elasticity of unemployment rates with respect to GDP growth, the better the chances for reducing unemployment through growth and demand policiesââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢. This aspect of the study is of great importance to policymakers. The author ensured that the significance of Okunââ¬â¢s Law at the government level is not disregarded and hence plays a role in the effectiveness of policy at the macro level. Schnabel (2002) investigated whether Okunââ¬â¢s Law can be used to derive estimates of trend output growth but more importantly to focus on whether to use the trend rates derived in constructing measures of the output gap. It is a key concept in the construction of Okunââ¬â¢s Law and the subsequent tests. The author pointed out the difficulties of estimating trend output, mostly in part to the numerous methods which can cause ââ¬Ëââ¬â¢biases and problems of interpretationââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢. This is regarded as a major flaw of Okunââ¬â¢s Law and Schnabel emphasizes this in his study. The interesting aspect of his econometric methods to test for the Okun coefficient was by use of Rolling Regressions for the G7 countries he intended to estimate. This technique aimed to test how the actual coefficients change or vary over time (many sample periods), in order to capture the dynamic changes which an economy undergoes over a shorter time horizon. The authorsââ¬â¢ estimates i nvolve the G7 countries as well as the US, Japan and Canada, with each countryââ¬â¢s coefficients being significantly different than those of the next. Schnabel found out that the full sample had similar coefficients with that of the sub sample. This indicates that the relationship was relatively stable and accurate with the actual rates providing a sound benchmark to be compared against. A remarkable addition to the overall model was using business cycle stages as measures against the obtained trend values. This allowed the author to test the significance of the coefficients within different stages of growth, recovery or depressions. This is directly attributable to the case of UK, which had robust coefficients of 2.2 for growth an estimate taken from the period 1980-1990. During the 1990ââ¬â¢s labour market flexibility played vital a role in increasing participation rates within the labour market. This would suggest that as potential output grows, actual positive output grow th exists. This is not a viable view since cyclical unemployment is not constant in all countries. The author, from the results, cited that sophisticated econometric techniques by use of filters may produce more accurate results and less ââ¬Ëââ¬â¢shifting of parameters which are not deemed to be constantââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢. In addition, the trend rates obtained should ââ¬Ëââ¬â¢not be interpreted as the rates of growth compatible with stable inflationââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢. By introducing inflation into these estimates would complicate the estimations since such changes are reflected in the intensity of the business cycle, which the author correctly cites as a major limitation of his study. Harris and Silverstone (2001) in their second study examine how upturns and downturns have a direct impact on Okunââ¬â¢s Law. A test which detects how unemployment and output growth react (proportionally) to changes in the business cycle is known as Asymmetry. Earlier, Blanchard made the view that Okunââ¬â¢s Law is symmetrical and many economists make this wrong assumption. The adjustment process in the real world follows different paths and involves many complex factors. Both Harris and Silverstone appreciate the need to test for asymmetry and ignoring this would see the hypothesis that there exists an inverse relationship between output and unemployment rejected, as well as numerous forecasting errors being made in the decision making process that policymakers go through. Output growth (yt) was found to be weakly exogenous and this was true for all the OECD countries tested. Co integration Tests (were undertaken through Engle-Granger Two-Step method and Johansen Procedure) we re calculated by Harris and Silverstone in an attempt to observe how the coefficients differed asymmetrically when the phase of the business cycle was considered. It was discovered that adjustments to disequilibrium are not prevalent in the downturn phase of the business cycle but in the upturn phase they are more volatile due to the nature of both the goods and labour market which is consistent with economic theory. This is not the case for the UK and Japan since results indicated that they in fact move in opposite directions. Although, not explicitly stated the author manages to highlight the importance of this test as a benchmark for other relations such as the Philips Curve, AS curve and Taylor-Rule seemingly also strengthening the case for pursuing more in depth study of relationships and their responses in different countries. Kosfeld and Dreger (1992-2000) investigated the German Labour Market and their study stressed the notion that ââ¬Ëââ¬â¢changes in production and employment are closely relatedââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢. This gave rise to the Threshold concept, which in basic terms refers to there being a finite amount of capacity both in the economy and at firm-level. Any output growth above this specified capacity will tend to create new jobs and a fall in the unemployment rate over time. This serves as an important guideline to policymakers, albeit a different one to that specified by Walterskirchen. The thresholds in fact act as a determinant for both employment and unemployment. The authorsââ¬â¢ application of Okunââ¬â¢s law is from both the demand and supply-side although Okunââ¬â¢s law is usually approached from the supply-side due to the operation of labour markets. Instead of supporting Walterskirchenââ¬â¢s view on demographics and other factors, the authors in this study believe that they in fact weaken the relationship. This arose due to the complexity of structural developments in the economy. The overall results followed on with the negative relationship between unemployment and output existing in Germany. However the unemployment benefit system in Germany led to employment and unemployment responding differently to changes in output. This response was detected in the 1990ââ¬â¢s by a method known as spatial correlation equal to 0.2, which was regarded as relatively weak. This method is regarded as unsatisfactory since the results derived do not make a credible contribution to the study. Huang and Chang (2005) proposed to evaluate the empirical validity of Okunââ¬â¢s Law via structural change using the threshold approach in Canada. This supports Kosfeldââ¬â¢s and Dregerââ¬â¢s previous study. The empirical models used are far accurate than previous standard linear equations. This highlights the difficulty in conducting accurate Okunââ¬â¢s Law estimations. The study also takes into account the presence of serial correlation and this is embedded into the following autoregressive model; Uct = à ±0 + âËâ à ±i uct-i + à ² yct + Ãât In order to obtain both the unemployment rate and real output growth (GDP) the author has used the Hodrick-Prescott filter (HP) and the Band-Pass filter (BP). Both filters are widely used and results of the study show that Okunââ¬â¢s Law strongly holds, with results support the Law with high negative correlations of -0.7967 and -0.8062. However, the most crucial finding was that of a high Okun coefficient in the recession phase of the business cycle, this further supports Harris and Silverstoneââ¬â¢s notion that cyclical outputââ¬â¢s effect on cyclical unemployment is asymmetric. A high Beta coefficient acts as a signal to policymakers that unemployment is highly responsive to output gap deviations and thus provides a call for actions in the form of controlling the level of AD in the economy stimulating labour participation rates in the labour market. Weber, C.E (1995) study takes a similar direction to that of Huang and Chang however, the element is more specific and thus more precise. His purpose was to test Okunââ¬â¢s Law post-war USA, to see if the relationship has been stable after this period. The interesting aspect of this particular study is that there was an apparent oil shock in the 1970ââ¬â¢s, which affects the supply-side of the economy. Weber focused on the periods both after and before the oil shock. The econometric method used for this test was predominantly OLS estimates via some from of Chow Test, using Dummy Variables (below); Uct = à ±1yct + à ±2Dtyct + à µ1t The empirical results for the OLS estimations were -0.314 which surprisingly turned out to be close to Okunââ¬â¢s original estimate of -0.32. However, parameter constancy was rejected due to the high variation in the high t-statistic of -0.277 and ââ¬â0.402. Weber did leave scope for further future developments with reference being made to the importance of the initial source of the shock (supply or demand) in the outcome of changes in cyclical unemployment/output. On the basis of the existing literature, it is clear to see that Okunââ¬â¢s Law does hold across a number of different countries and time periods. The ability to infer how stable the relationship is over both the long-run as well as the short-run proves vital in any empirical analysis undertaken. However, due to some of the components of the model being difficult to estimate as well as other factors such as productivity and inflation affecting output growth, doubts remain over the usefulness or reliability of Okunââ¬â¢s Law as a benchmark for policymakers. Research Methodology Modelling Economic Theory This sub section will provide the theoretical basis of Okunââ¬â¢s Law as well as the major underlying assumptions of the model. In addition, brief explanations of the techniques employed and the justification for their use will be included. Although, using almost the same methodology as Blanchard (1998) the estimates may vary considerably. Firstly, the most significant reason is that Blanchard (1998) tests Okunââ¬â¢s Law across a number of different countries including the G7 countries. This study looks predominantly at the UK, US and Japan with the emphasis being placed on the former. Secondly, both studies look at different time periods and different frequency of data. Blanchard (1998) tested the relationship from 1960-2003 using monthly data, while this study will test the relationship with a technique called rolling regressions, using quarterly data from 1976-2006, giving us a more up to date inspection of Okunââ¬â¢s Law. Another essential issue which could cause the results to differ is the estimation of potential output; needed to compute the output gap term in Okunââ¬â¢s Law. Although both studies use this variable, the technique used to measure potential output is different. (1) ÃâUt = à ² (yt ââ¬â Ã
·) (2) Re-arranging Ut = Ut-1 à ² (yt ââ¬â Ã
·) Pre-Analysis of the Data Since specific data will be used to build an econometric model and test whether the model has theoretical validity, it is important to determine the properties of the variables in question. Description of Data To generate the model for Okunââ¬â¢s Law as well as test it for each country (UK, US, Japan) this study uses the 124 quarterly data points for the Unemployment Rate (%), Real GDP and Potential GDP (GDP) for the period 1976-2006. The latter two are used to compute the Output Gap term in Okunââ¬â¢s Law. To ensure reliability whilst contrasting and analysing time series data all the variables are logged. Shortcomings of the Data The estimation method of potential output is an approximate when generated from the Hodrick-Prescott Filter and thus the computation of the output gap term is not always accurate. Many authors use the Band-Pass Filter and this may lead to discrepancies of the estimations in this study. There may also be bias in the sample, since different countries use different measures to determine the unemployment rate. This study has used percentage unemployment as per the Claimant Count, Bureau of Labour Statistics and Statistics Bureau. Trend Analysis In Appendix A, a graphical account of each variable across the UK, US and Japan is given. It is apparent that over time Real GDP has an upward trend which indicates an expanding economy, at the general level. This study makes three crucial assumptions building on from similar assumptions made by Blanchard (1998). Firstly, we assume that changes in output lead to changes of equal magnitude with changes in employment levels. Secondly, we assume that firms adjust their employment levels in response to labour-productivity growth and this has no bearing on the rate of unemployment. In other words, higher induced labour-force participation rates do not have a detrimental impact of the rate of unemployment, ceteris paribus. Thirdly, we assume that output in the long-run will grow at its underlying rate. In other words y = Ã
· (In equilibrium as the trend rate suggests in Appendix A). The relationship being estimated is the one between the unemployment rate and real output. Equation (2) is essentially a dynamic version (short-run) version of Okunââ¬â¢s Law. The dynamic element stems from the fact that the economy adjusts towards equilibrium over time, hence the use of the output gap term (yt ââ¬â Ã
·t). The à ² coefficient measures the responsiveness of unemployment changes to changes in output growth from equilibrium (which is denoted by a minus sign in Okunââ¬â¢s Law due to the inverse relationship it implies). The equation (2) provides the framework model which will be utilised throughout this study. Economic modelling proposes that Equation (2) is not plausible under the conditions of assuming that last yearsââ¬â¢ unemployment rate and potential output (natural rate of output) donââ¬â¢t change. I.e. are observed into the constant. To correct this we introduce lags into the model as well as assuming that potential output is absorbed into the c onstant. Under this new assumption the unemployment rate is derived from the unemployment rate in the previous period. The model thus becomes; (3) Ut = à ²0 + à ²1Ut-1 + à ²2yt + à µt In an expanding economy, real output increases at a stable rate, therefore putting pressure on the economyââ¬â¢s idle resources. Okunââ¬â¢s Law thus predicts that any increases in real output above some underlying trend coincide with falling unemployment. Additionally, potential output (Ã
·t) is an unobservable variable. In order to derive Okunââ¬â¢s Law; an empirical estimation of potential output is needed. Potential output (Ã
·t) is generated from the Hodrick-Prescott Filter function in EViews. (Appendix A). Potential output is regarded as the underlying trend rate of output. This effectively is the level of output that the economy would produce if it utilised all of its resources. In order to allow for this in the model for Okunââ¬â¢s Law we substitute the output gap term (yt ââ¬â Ã
·t) into yt from Equation (3). This yields the following; (4) Ut = à ²0 + à ²1 Ut-1 + à ²2 (yt yt) + à µt Policymakers are concerned with attaining explicit policy objectives and in order to achieve this they are interested in how the characteristics of a variable have changed over the course of time. In this study, the key variable examined is unemployment, whereby achieving a low unemployment rate is desirable; many national governments pursue this policy objective. The fundamental basis for Okunââ¬â¢s Law was discovering the cost of excessive unemployment to an economy when real output grows. In an ideal world, the rate of unemployment would be low and an economyââ¬â¢s growth rate to be expanding at a sustained level. Typically, unemployment is considerably unstable in the short run which is clear to see in the graphical representation (Appendix B) of the unemployment rates of the respective countries; The UK, US and Japan. The primary problem with running a regression over a whole sample period using time-series data is that the relationship does vary in the short-run sometimes more often than the variations in the long-
Sunday, October 13, 2019
interview :: essays research papers
Tuesdays With Morrie For the past day or two I have spent time with my sister, discussing different topics with her about life. I closely observed her feelings and I recorded what she had to say. We talked about regrets- Ever since my sister Erin started school she got excellent grades. She doesnââ¬â¢t really have any regrets. She only regrets some choices she made with her friends. She thinks she could have picked better friends because she doesnââ¬â¢t have any true friends. She also wished that she stayed with the sports she played in the past. She was good at softball and she was alright at street hockey. She thinks that if she still played softball that she would probably be playing for Mainland. Other then that she doesnââ¬â¢t have any more regrets that she wishes to share. We talked about death- "Death is a horrible time in a young personsââ¬â¢ life, but once you get older you realize that there is no stopping it." Erin tries not to think about death that much because she knows when itââ¬â¢s time itââ¬â¢s time. "Losing a person you love one of the worst things that can happen to you, but as long as you keep him/her in your heart there is nothing to be scared of. Death is a big topic on the news now a days. Whenever I turn on the News I always happen to catch a broadcast about someone who has killed another person. That is all Erin had to say. We talked about family- "I love my family, especially my brother, and Iââ¬â¢ll do anything for them. I may not have the biggest and the best family but we all usually get along. Sometimes I fight with my parents but they know that I love them a lot. I also fight with my brother but he is cool, sometimes. Without love for your family you are nothing. You should always have faith for your family and friends. If I had another family then the one I have now I would be very upset." We talked about the fear of aging- Erin is not afraid of aging. Soon she will be driving. Erin is almost 17. She is older and wiser then me so she knows what it is like to be "old". " I am going to be old one day, but I hope it isnââ¬â¢t soon.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Harrison Bergeon Vs. 1984 :: essays research papers
Harrison Bergeron vs. 1984 Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Harrison Bergeron and 1984 were both based on a similar concept. This concept is creating peace by limiting and controlling the population. In George Orwell’s “1984';, it was done through brainwashing and doublethink. In Kurt Vonnegut’s “Harrison Bergeron';, it was done by limiting everyones abilities until everyone is equal in all ways. Each author used class systems, nature, and society to portray their negative utopia. Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Class systems played a more important role in 1984, than they did in Harrison Bergeron. In 1984, there were three classes. The highest class, the Inner Party, controlled everything. They controlled what the people saw, heard, and read, and even what they thought. The middle working class, or the “regular'; party, did all the work that the inner party wanted to be done, in order to keep the population, including themselves, in control of everyone. The third, and lowest, class is the proles. The party does not even watch or care about the proles, because they are not important, and have no power at all. Harrison Bergeron apparently had everyone equalized through handicapping all those with extraordinary abilities. The classes were the same as they are in modern America, only with handicaps. Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Human Nature was repressed in both stories. It is human nature to express one’s talents in some way. In 1984, any kind of personal expression was thoughtcrime, and would cause the guilty individual to be taken to the ministry of love, and brainwashed. In Harrison Bergeron, every person was unable to display any kind of superiority over anyone else. The strong were weighted down, and the beautiful were forced to wear masks. No one was able to display any kind of talent even if they wanted to do so. Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Society had almost the same roles for men and women in both stories. In 1984, men and women were both treated the same, as mindless members of the party. They both had the same jobs and duties, and they both had the same rules. In Harrison Bergeron, men and women seemed to be treated the same as they are in modern society. Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã The search for justice actually contributed to the creation of both societies. Both were created in the hopes of eliminating crime and injustices by controlling the population. In 1984, there was only one crime, and only one punishment. If you commited thoughtcrime, you would be taken to the ministry of love and brainwashed, until you were fit to be released back into society.
Digital Marketing Plan Essay
Introduction In the current age of advanced technology and media, where customers have access to broad marketing information any time, it is not easy for a business organization to grow and develop efficiently without implementing sound marketing strategies. Such strategies should mainly include digital marketing because of the broad use of computers and adoption of internet and other associate devices. With insignificant investment on web based marketing and creation of website, a large population of customers and new markets may be highly attracted by such marketing technique. The present paper major in providing a digital marketing plan for Bagel Nash Limited. The hospitality industry, is normally fast changing and dynamic sector. It constitutes to the leading sectors in the global economy, considering its turnover and transactions. As a result, hotel sector is highly sophisticated and competitive industry. As Bagel Nash has greatly grown and operating in many nations in the globe, it is now a must for Bagel Nash Ltd to adopt a digital marketing strategy to enable the company stay ahead of its competitors. Adoption of digital marketing strategy will also enable the company to attract and retain a large population of customers, market share, and maximize its profits in the todayââ¬â¢s competitive environment whose customers have enough information regarding the market (Chaffey & Ellis-Chadwick 2012, p. 15). Digital marketing is one of the current fast cheap and growing solutions that enable companies to attract maximumà customers under no boundaries. If Bagel Nash adopts a digital marketing strategy, the company will find it easy to send messages to its potential customers, and as a result, this strategy will end up attracting many new customers (Ryan & Jones 2012, p. 56). The economy of the todayââ¬â¢s world is actually demanding every business owner to look for the best marketing deals he or she can find. Usually, one can only find these deals on the internet. Digital marketing helps companies to maximize their exposure to consumers who are highly looking for the products and services of the companies. This aspect makes digital marketing more operative than any other form of advertising. Increasing the exposure of the company through adoption of digital marketing is highly portrayed by big firms especially McDonaldââ¬â¢s (Parkin 2009, p. 67). Digital marketing will have numerous benefits for both Bagel Nash Ltd and its customers. However, on the other hand, adoption of digital marketing strategy has some drawbacks, which arose from the use of technology and internet marketing as well as its popularity of the target market. When using digital marketing Bagel Nash will not cut back its marketing budget in the current economy. Instead, this fast food organization will only focus on using its marketing budget efficiently by investing in digital marketing campaigns (Chaffey & Ellis-Chadwick 2012, p. 25). Actually, this is the appropriate time for Bagel Nash Corporation to review its marketing plans and bring digital marketing into its focus due to the rising costs of marketing using traditional Medias such as Magazines, which do not give the company a guarantee that it is actually targeting its potential customers. Situation analysis There are very view business organizations that operate without marketing in the current era of information communication and technology. If fortunately, a certain business is efficiently growing, this does not entail that the organization has captured all the entire market leaving no more growth opportunities. If an organization is already progressing, such an organization can perform much better by adopting a digital marketing strategy, thus enabling it to increase its market share (Chaffey 2000, p. 157). If an individual has a business in the modern marketplace, it will definitely be hard to run it with implementing a marketing strategy and not enough running a local newspaper advertisement to maximize the businessà exposure (Bird & Bird 2007, p. 78). In addition, running an advertisement on a local TV station is currently useless because the most appropriate forms of marketing are those based on online marketing. In summary, before an organization starts getting the advantage of a large consumer base the organization should ensure that it attracts them to its website, and that is when the tools of online marketing come into action. There is need to present goods and services in a visually and clear appealing manner on the organizationââ¬â¢s website. The website, will be the ââ¬Å"storeâ⬠of the company on the internet. The services and food substances offered by Bagel Nash will be convenient to access, having fair prices, and clearly defined delivery methods (Ginty, Vaccarello & Leake 2012, p. 134). The company should also add a blog to its website for the purpose of providing fresh content, innovations, and photos for customers to have a look. Adding a blog will also aid in satisfying the criteria of the search engine f or active renewal as well as use. Adding a blog to the companyââ¬â¢s website also helps during replacement of the search engine (Chaffey 2008, p. 143). Other popular approaches that can be used to help Bagel Nash to market its website are social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, link building, Buzz, and other tactics of search engine optimization (Wind & Mahajan 2001, p. 89). The company can also market the website through the use of Google tools such as Google Local in order to maximize its online exposure. Despite the benefit of all these methods and tools, where an organization can promote its website using online marketing, organizations still have to deal with some issues that are related with digital marketing (Chaffey & Ellis-Chadwick 2012, p. 45). Online security issue is the key concern with customers who prefer online shopping and need some kind of security to be sure that the information they will be provide for their transaction cannot be accessed by other users or abuse in future. A company can resolve this matter of security by acquiring some verification certificates for online security and incorporating them on its website (Kaufman 2014, p. 90). Other concerns of online marketing include viral marketing, annoying banner ads that may discourage customers, placing much information about products and services on the home page that is unnecessary to the customers, and problems when searching for a product or service on the website (Payne, Frow & Cambridge University Press 2013, p. 79). Therefore, it is recommended that, before anà organization launches a digital marketing strategy, it should clearly understand whether the customer do online shopping frequently and whether they have skills of surfing the internet. As far as Bagel Nash is concerned, its target market is tourists and people who like fast foods and are always updated about the latest trends in fast food industry (Greenberg & Kates 2014, p. 115). Therefore, these people rely on internet to get new updates about hospitality services and do interactions most of their time on the internet. Objectives Achieving although challenging objectives are already set for the company to achieve in the next three years. Due to the current poor economic status that the company is operating in, achieving these objectives in the first year will be slow. The objective of the first year will be to build brand awareness to the market. Bagel Nash will aid in maximizing the awareness of its fast food products and services and their availability as well. We have already created the companyââ¬â¢s page on Facebook, which has more than 1,000 customer ââ¬Å"likesâ⬠. Theses ââ¬Å"likesâ⬠are for people from different countries around the world. The companyââ¬â¢s marketers will promote the website by using other main social networking sites, in-store advertisements, and emails. Optimization of search engine and updating process of the companyââ¬â¢s data will be carried out more efficiently in order to ensure the website is always in front in searching results using different search eng ines. During the year, the company will also introduce secure online shopping which will aid in improving the companyââ¬â¢s growth rate. The rate of growth of the company with increase from 6% of 2014 to 10% before the first year ends. In the following year Bagel Nash will be growing steady growth and will be among the leading search engines. In this year, the company will highly focus on introducing innovative technology and ensure that it uses the latest web technologies to enable attraction of new visitors. The growth rate in this year will be expected to increase by 7% because the company will open new branches in other countries. Bagel Nash will offer online selling to the countries it will be operating in (Ferrell 2014, p. 56). In the third year, the company will revive for the worldââ¬â¢s economy, hopefully. The company will be able to capture a 25% market share. For British, aggressive marketing technique to maximize its market share. Online shoppingà will be introduced to Britain countries in order to facilitate the companyââ¬â¢s valuable customers as well as maximizing its market share. As a result, this will increase footfall-struggle attracting new customers (Dholakia 2002, p. 57). Strategy The following are the strategies that will be used to make the digital marketing plan more successful. Facebook lookalike audience- Using Facebook, lookalike audience will enable the company to reach new customers who will be interested in the services of the company because they are like the existing customers the company cares about. Using Custom Audiences, the company can decide to develop a similar audience that aims at targeting people who have similar characteristics with the Custom Audience list (Marich 2013, p. 76). For instance, if the company has over 5,000 contacts in its marketing database, the company can upload this contacts onto Facebook and enable targeting a demographic that is similar to the existing buyers. Email marketing- another strategy that will be used is email marketing. This fast food company will double the number of emails it sends per month. In case the company has compelling content of information that it would like to send to customers, it will be easy to inform all the subscribers that are in companyââ¬â¢s email list via email communications. It is logical to argue that, email marketing is the leading digital channel used by many companies for ROI (Hemann 2013, p. 89). Bagel Nash will start strategizing highly on making email marketing a digital marketing strategy. Better blogging- most customers like referring to the content of a companyââ¬â¢s blog as the ââ¬Å"match a company should use to start the fire.â⬠The marketers of Bagel Nash LTD will try to come up with a compelling content of the companyââ¬â¢s blog. A compelling blog content always has a potential of ranking well in all search engines. 90% of blog accesses are new and therefore, this will act as a driver for the website traffic of the company. In addition, the blog will also be used to serve as a Twitter and Facebook post content and also as a puzzle for email marketing campaigns. By ensuring that the blog of the company has better content, its web traffic will rise as well as the content becoming more compelling. Digital PR- one can build contribution of the content through implementation of Digital PR strategy. Reaching out to several websites and sending them using a solid pitch, theyà can end up writing an article of the company or try to feature the Companyââ¬â¢s CEO on a blog post. The more people talk about the company and its services and Tweeting and chatting about the company, the more the company will be exposed in the upcoming years. Unique promotion- the marketers will brainstorm a very unique form of promotion that will attract more people and, as a result, this unique promotion will drive enormous publicity for the company in the next three years. The unique promotion of Bagel Nash will come up with user made jingle contest and photo upload promotion to entice its great buffs on social media networks to fully understand the services offered by the company in a clever way. In case this promotion will become successful, it will be ranked as one of the most popular promotions for the company in the next years. We expect that this digital marketers plan will hit if the above discussed strategies are implemented properly. In the list of the above discussed strategies are new while some have been being used for the past years. If these strategies will be incorporated properly, the company will have a perfect development and growth for the next three years using a digital marketing perspective. The strategies will highly contribute towards attraction of new customers and as a result increase sales and profit of the company. Tactics The most commonly used tactic by many companies is e-mail marketing. However, most studies conclude that even if e-mail marketing is broadly used digital marketing tactic because it is measurable and less costly, services offered by Bagel Nash Company need other tactics to coordinate with e-mail marketing. Discussed below are the tactics that will be used during the implementation of digital marketing plan. Social media- marketers tend to focus highly on social media and spend more money on it than other digital marketing tactics. This is due to the fact that this tactic is the most commonly used online activity in most countries. Just like any other tactic such as e-mail marketing, social has a higher capability of retaining customers and increase the companyââ¬â¢s exposure. In addition, social media has low negative impact regarding rewarding existing customers (Greenberg & Kates 2014, p. 25). Referral marketing- referral marketing is the leading tactic in terms of acquiring customers and shaping conversions. Most people are aware of referral marketing and argue that it is among the efficientà tactics. Bagel Nash will use referral marketing to lead generation possibilities (Fenwick & Wertime 2013, p. 34). The tactic will enable the company to attract new customers as well as building stronger customer relationship. The marketers of Bagel Nash will enjoy one of the main advantages of this digital marketing tactic. Referral marketing will highly optimize the sales volume of the company, giving the company a qualified predictions that will increase its sales funnel (Vassos 2006, p. 95). Referral marketing will help the companyââ¬â¢s marketers achieve a more qualified appearing from customers due to their satisfaction. Referral marketing is a very good tactic used in many organizations to attract and retain customers. It is a methodical customer cycle that is based on the strength of effect (Jones & Silverstein 2009, p. 58). Content marketing- according to most studies, content marketing is the second leading digital marketing strategy after social media when it comes to matters of spending. In addition, content marketing is ranked as the most effective tactic in the area of achieving marketing goals such as retention and awareness. Customers seek advice and information on fields they have interest. Therefore, Bagel Nash will put much effort to give its customers relevant information to enable it gain authority on its field by being a reliable and helpful resource (Ginty, Vaccarello, & Leake 2012, p. 145). According to economics such as Jeremy Chandler, content marketing portrays the companyââ¬â¢s human side to people. The website developers will be encouraged to make use of personal voice and try by all means not to eliminate human voice on the companyââ¬â¢s website (Lee & Ebrary 2001, p. 98). Customers tend to become more addicted to organizations that offer reliable content about their goods and services and incorporating content marketing into the digital marketing strategy will help in attracting and retaining a large population of customers (Bailey 2011, p. 67). In order to attract more customers and achieve the set goals, it will be necessary to combine all the above discussed tactics into the digital marketing plan. In additional, Bagel Nash should not at any time forget treating its customers with quality care. Action Successful implementation actions of digital marketing can bring significant advantages to an organization. Digital marketing will be the main effective means of achieving the goals and objectives of Bagel Nash LTD. The marketersà will ensure that they build up a reliable customer relationship as well as business contacts through the use of digital tools. These will not only be used to communicate with the customers but also to get their suggestions and comments. Secondly, it will be of great advantage to contact marketing research in order to enable the marketers use the appropriate platform for the digital marketing strategy. It is important to understand the target group of customers in order to choose the correct channel of reaching them (Wilson 2001, p. 123). Another action that will be put into practice is considering the benefits achieved through the use of different digital channels in order to choose the suitable one. Email marketing will be one of the most effective means of reaching the companyââ¬â¢s target audience. The marketers will make use of this tool and design a quality content that can attract more customers. Controls- Bagel Nash is among the leading fast food restaurants in Britain and always focuses on the quality of food and services it offers to its customers. The staff members are all the time ready to improve the companyââ¬â¢s marketing system and implement digital strategies. With the availability of both external and internal controls the marketing management will be able to upgrade the current marketing system and evaluate performance accordingly (Flores & Palgrave Connect (Online service) 2014, p. 67). The management of the company is always in a process of improving their food and services and always ready to hear the views of their customers (Thomas 2011, p. 90). The company already focuses on improving customer services and the introduction of the new digital marketing strategies will enable the company improve customer satisfaction and attract more customers. The marketing department will comprise of advertisement manager, advertisement analyst, promotion manager, promotion analyst, sales manager, and market research analyst. Implementation plan table Conclusion In conclusion, digital marketing is broadly being used by a large number of companies. In the current age of advanced technology and media, where customers have access to broad marketing information any time, it is not easy for a business organization to grow and develop efficiently without implementing sound marketing strategies. Implementing digital marketing strategy will highly contribute towards the growth and development of Bagel Nash Ltd. Bibliography Bailey, M 2011, Internet marketing: An hour a day, Indianapolis, Ind: Wiley Technology Publishing. Bird, D, & Bird, D 2007, Commonsense direct & digital marketing, London: Kogan Page. Chaffey, D 2000, Internet marketing: Strategy, implementation and practice, Harlow, Engl. [u.a.: Financial Times/Prentice Hall. Chaffey, D 2008, Internet marketing: Strategy, implementation and practice, Harlow [u.a.: Prentice Hall. Chaffey, D, & Ellis-Chadwick, F, 2012, Digital marketing: Strategy, implementation and practice, Harlow [etc.: Pearson. Dholakia, N 2002, Global e-commerce and online marketing: Watching the evolution, Westport, Conn: Quorum Books. Fenwick, I, & Wertime, K 2013, Digi marketing: The essential guide to new media and digital marketing, Hoboken, N.J: Wiley. Ferrell, OC 2014, Marketing. Australia ; Mason, OH: South Western Cengage Learning. 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Kaufman, I 2014, Digital marketing: Integrating strategy, tactics, and values, S.l.: Routledge. Lee, O, & Ebrary, Inc 2001, Internet marketing research: Theory and practice, Hershey , Pa: Idea Group Pub. Marich, R 2013, Marketing to moviegoers: A handbook of strategies and tactics, Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press. Parkin, G 2009, Digital marketing: Strategies for online success, London: New Holland Publishers. Payne, A, Frow, P, & Cambridge University Press 2013, Strategic customer management: Integrating relationship marketing and CRM, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Ryan, D, & Jones, C 2012, Understanding digital marketing: Marketing strategies for engaging the digital generation, Philadelphia, PA: Kogan Page. Thomas, L 2011, Online marketing, Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Professional. Vassos, T 2006, Strategic Internet marketing, Indianapolis: Que. Wilson, RF 2001, Planning your internet marketing strategy: A Doctor Ebiz guide, New York: Wiley. Wind, Y, & Mahajan, V 2001, Digital marketing: Global strategies from the worldââ¬â¢s leading experts, New York: J. Wiley.
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